
sunday services begin at 9:30 am
10304 E. 9th ave, Spokane VallEY

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our vision

With a desire to reach people in the Spokane area for Christ. We have a commitment to help individuals who have spiritual questions to find answers that are both relevant and solidly rooted on the Bible. In short, we want to make disciples… people who want to learn how to live like Christ and help others do the same. Making disciples was our vision before Genesis began, and now that we are a few years old, that passion has only grown and is our motivation for all that we do! 

What We Believe

Sometimes we believe things just because it seems right or because we respect the person who told us a particular statement. If our beliefs are not aligned with God’s Word, how can we know if we are in his will? This gives us a foundation of unity as we continue to discover who God is and what he says to us. While we will not all agree on everything, we strive to hold to that old adage, “in essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, and in all things charity.”

What Really Matters

This is the most important question any of us may ask… unfortunately the answer is often convoluted with many different opinions, and is not only from the Bible.


Missed a sermon? Feel free to look through our archive to catch up!